Operating Systems > macOS

My Newly Acquired G5, And . . .

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The letting-you-in-on-it part requires that you trust me, first, with $500.  

It's a sort of "convoluted" maneuver . . . I will have to consult my friend to ask if this quantity is even remotely plausible.

If it IS, I will let you guys know . . .


now you said 500 down.  How much per month after that and for how many months?
And if you don't get financing, wut is ur friends discount?

[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: jeffberg: Mac Capitalist ]

The really sad part is, I don't have 500 either. >_<

For how long does this offer stand?

what about a 1.6 for $268??

assuming this isn't a rip-off

quote: now you said 500 down.  How much per month after that and for how many months?
And if you don't get financing, wut is ur friends discount?
--- End quote ---

$500 covers the cost of a single dual-processor 2.0Ghz tower, with 1GB ddr.  No monitor*, keyboard, mouse, or speakers to take advantage of the G5's inbuilt optical audio.

quote: For how long does this offer stand?
--- End quote ---

As long as the G5 units are sold.

quote: what about a 1.6 for $268??

assuming this isn't a rip-off
--- End quote ---

I don't know about a 1.6 . . . never occured to me to investigate one.  I'll do so and post appropriate answers.

*I recommend this monitor (note the optimum resolution).

[ September 01, 2003: Message edited by: Xenix God ]


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