Operating Systems > macOS

Tell me more about Macs

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What can you tell me about Macs? What are your experiences with them since the release of OSX? The reason I'm asking is because I'm thinking of buying a refurbished PowerBook and upgrade it to OSX.

Well I dont know what you want to know about macs, but all I can say is OS 10 kicks ass.  Ive recently [7-8 months ago] switched to mac, and I love it.  The only thing I would suggest is ask the person your buying the powerbook from if they have ever put 10 on there.  I tryed to install 10.1 on my friends OLD  powerbook [I think it was 233mhz or something] and it wasnt having it.  Three times in a row it froze when trying to install.

Thanks for the reply trc3. Well, I want to know as much as possible since a Mac will definitely be my next buy. Everything about OS stability, looks, everything  ;)  because I've never seen OSX in action, just a few screenshots and since it's based on Darwin it's definitely worth a try.

On the issue of stability, let me say since Ive had my mac ive only had one kernel panic, and that was with 10.1.5.  Since I put jag 10.2 its been 100% smooth.  Looks well shit, OS 10 wins hands down, the only thing I dont like in the aqua GUI is the actual color aqua.  Alot of the buttons are aqua color and they get kind of annoying, but duality and the milk theme cleared that up quickly.  One thing I really like is that its very organized, most apps put the preferences in the same spot, its like everything has its place.  Thats all I can think of right now, and if for some reason you dont like 10 you can always put linux on there.

OS X is the most stable, best looking, GUI you will ever use in your life!

Seriously, I have been running it for over a year now and I have seen only one true crash, and it never did anything serious. A Mac is a damn fine computer and don't let anyone sway you from that. Also, Locolization comes for free in OSX so I think you will be able to have the greek language on if that is your language of choice.

Let me know what you think when you finaly got it up and running!


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