Operating Systems > macOS
Painter 8 vs Photoshop 7 vs TIFFany
I'm looking at updating my aged photo apps now that I've come into doh, and I don't know which one...
I'm not sure if I want to stay with Adobe (I'm upgrading from PS 5) or if I want to jump ship to one of the other packages. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I'll be running it on a G3 or a slower G4, so good performance is a necessary. No arguments re: the G5... it's for audio only. I need something that's pretty quick and small and light, yet full featured, and Painter so far looks the best.
any idears?
update: I just now found out that Caffeiene Software is now defunct and TIFFany is free for download. I'm getting it now and trying it. I'm also grabbing the trial version of Painter 8 from Corel
[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James is COOL ]
Stay with Adobe photoshop 7.0 is great has many packages to get for it and many plug-in Adobe - Qualoty [ Microsoft SuX ]
Painter, Corel is Canadian!! well it was until it was bought out a week ago.
I don't have a clue really
I told my brother to get me SuSE Desktop for christmas so I can run Photoshop, n stuff.
I think Corel is a bit cheaper, and after buying a Mac you gotta find a break some where.
Corel has a pretty good Rep. Don't they?
Photoshop gets my vote,
it's the only reason I actually have a Winows box on my network (that and Cinema 4D) There is a reason they use photoshop to do the matte scenes in Star Wars etc... It's the dogs bollocks!
May the force be with you... always!
I second Photoshop !!
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