Operating Systems > macOS

Painter 8 vs Photoshop 7 vs TIFFany

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Dudes MS Paint is teh way to go!!!111


quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Dudes MS Paint is teh way to go!!!111
--- End quote ---

the windows 3.1 one was so much better than the windows 95 and up one.
Too bad MS doesn't make paint for OSX.

I would have gone with photoshop... unless painter was cocoa.  But thats just cus I'm used to it. (and everyone else is used to it, and there are a basillion tutorials for it on the net).

I opened painter at the apple store once.  Then I closed it, had no idea what to do in it.  Good Luck and have fun.

It's not more cocoa than PS7. It's carbon and runs fairly well. It's faster than PS7, and the UI is a little better laid out, IMHO

Photoshop is an expensive application. It might be overkill for what you want to do. Isn't painter more aimed at actual drawing & illustration, rather than photo manipulation? I haven't used it before. Anyways. Since you have already decided, it doesn't really matter. I like photoshop, but it is the only "image app" i have devoted serious time to actually learn. Gimp next. I think i will check out that free demo of painter...

Yes. Painter is very much aimed at art creation. It has about equal image-manipulation features as say, Paint Shop Pro does on Windows.

For what I do now, it's actually better, as I've wanted to try my hand at real digital art for a while. It's so far good and fast and stable. It runs on X, 9, and Windows, so it's compatible. It'll also open and save to illustrator files.

I likes it so far!


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