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quote:Originally posted by Jimmy James :D efender against Trolls:
good luck getting it to run on an iBook. Rhapsody was around when the PowerBook 3400 was the current 'book. I'd be surprised if it's able to startup because of the difference in the new world and old world ROMs. I'll bet that Rhapsody is gonna work best on 3400s, Power Mac 9600s, and MAYBE beige G3s
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the all mighty Jimmy was correct.  I don't have a mac old enough to run it on PPC.  Time to scavange for an extra HD.

what kind you need? I may have something that'll work. I've got several old 1GB IDE drives laying around. hit me up on AIM and I'll see what I can rustle up

[ September 17, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James:Defender against Trolls ]


Rhap DR2 is halfway on its feet on a PowerBook 3400. The OS begins booting, and gets to the desktop, but some parts of it won't run. I'll bet it's a lack of RAM. 32MB is the minimum, and I've only got 48MB on there. With 64, it's probably much smoother.

More to come!

OK, I received at last (after three days) the disc image. But how do I burn .dmg images on a PC?


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
OK, I received at last (after three days) the disc image. But how do I burn .dmg images on a PC?
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Find a Macintosh?
Not sure... never even attempted that one.


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