Operating Systems > macOS
I just screwed myself! HOORAY!!!
quote:If you're running Jaguar, you can get 1.0.
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Weird, I could have sworn it just said the requirements were Panther. That's what sleep deprivation'll do to ya.
Well, either way, it still won't install.
quote:nph-safarib2.dmg failed to mount due to error 95. (no mountable file systems)
--- End quote ---
damn at first I though this was a troll post posing as macman
maybe versiontracker will have one?
just get mozilla if it won't do it though
I have Mozilla, I'm using Camino now, and actually I'm enjoying myself because this is faster than Safari was acting. Sometimes when it would load a page it would sit there at 25 of 26 items loaded and do nothing and then after thirty seconds it would say one error occurred and an image wouldn't load on the page or something. Maybe I should just stick with Camino for a while.
im using like the 2nd release of safari. its working fine. what the hell have you been doing to fsck your safari up?
I think it goes back to when I imported all these files from my old computer almost two years ago and shit got corrupted on this computer too and now everything is continually being fucked up. Either that or I've been cursed or something.
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