Operating Systems > macOS

970s are here!

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Be afraid x86, be very afraid!

The fear.  It is dripping from my every sweat pore.  Ah.  Don't hurt me.  Actually I half agree with you - x86 sucks.  But then I also think PPC sucks so...  I just want one of those lovely little SPARC chips from my CS labs.   ;)

i will not ph34r the new 970. i will embrace its superiority to all, and relish (?) in my new found power. you will ph34r me and my new power mac  ;)

(okay, maybe I am a little scared  ;)  )

No one cares. We all know Apple is a dead company.

Oh, and Mac Man: stop editing my posts, fuckwit. I think I deserve a say in this just as much as you do or Psyjax.

[ June 11, 2003: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]

Quirk get a life.  Apple is the only company that is really doing anything anymore even though they are a small company.


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