Operating Systems > macOS

Changing HD for an ibook

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Whoah, changing that hdd sure seems very complicated!!

How about changing ram? Is it as easy as PC notebooks?

BTW, how easy is it for a mac to transfer files to/fro a PC? Do we need a special problem for it? I will be using a switch if that it helps to know.

The best way to accelerate you windoze pee-cee is at 9.81 m/s^2 (Drop it out the Windows)

no RAM is very easy, done it before. Transfering files to and from a PC. is a Joke. Mac's read PC formated CD's and floppies, OSX Jaguire flawlessly networks with windows.

I belive the person was talking about networking with smb, there most likley is a port of samba to Mac OS X.

So OS X makes it easy for a mac user to access the shared files of a windows machine?

I am thinking of copying all my MP3 to my mac when I get one  :D


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