Operating Systems > macOS
Effective Switch arguments?
My family are sheep. I have tried everything to get them to switch to the Mac, but they lack the power and/or independence of mind to liberate themselves from M$'s gravitational pull. Am I missing some effective arguments? If you have any (serious) ones, please post them here.
Have your tried poisoning thier water yet? That usually works.
Sorry to the person who already posted this on another thread but i got this for your family.
You can also check out my site for additional ammo.
Mac's never crash, are easier to use, can read most all windows documents, don't get virii, hardly ever break down. Maintain their vallue far longer than PC's are often more powerfull when dealing with specific tasks, are more efficient, and lower TCO.
No TCPA, no DRM, lots of OSS.
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