Operating Systems > macOS
Effective Switch arguments?
Macs are better than Wintel machines for everything unless you're one of those "gamers." Hopefully no one in your family is like that.
It's just one of those thinngs that people have to discover on their own, like an epiphany.
They just need some of those "Holy Shit, is that all you have to do on a Mac to set that up??"
It's hard though, the facts and arguments can all be right there. You have to talk to people one on one, noy JUST pointing them to websites. By actually talking to people for about half an hour or so, I've got my dad, two of my friends, and a co-worker to buy iBooks, one co-worker bought a dual 867, and another co-worker bought a TiBook. If you're in a position of trust with some people, they'll usually listen to what you have to say, and selling Mac vs PC is pretty easy unless you're talking to gamers or corporate/IT drones.
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Macs are better than Wintel machines for everything unless you're one of those "gamers." Hopefully no one in your family is like that.
--- End quote ---
You can still be a gamer and a Mac person at the same time, it just requires a bit of patience. Mac gaming isn't as bad as people would have you believe, either. If you went to Best Buy there would probably be only one or two games that will run on Macs (I can name them both, they're both from Blizzard). But if you look online it's an entirely different story. Game companies are starting to wake up and I predict a bright future for Mac gamers.
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