Operating Systems > macOS
Why doesn't Apple design an operating system for PC?
a) Almost Every single piece of hardware in Macs are made by Apple, and I like to be able to have a viriety of hardware vendors.
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^^^ That's pretty messed up by the way. Even Microsoft doesn't dictate what brand of hardware I use, or only sell it's OS on "Microsoft hardware." No offense guys, but Mac could put a much larger dent in Microsoft if they made PC versions. Yes, it would be a risk, but it's a risk that could pay off. Anyway all Apple has to do is make one version and if it doesn't work out, stop making it. Or are we too scared to compete with Microsoft directly, OS to OS?
quote:Originally posted by Look at me dance:
Apple will go bankrupt like that old car company packard.
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i disagree, the mac is very powerful when it comes to multimedia and graphics.
media wouldnt be media w/o a mac. windows sure couldnt do it the way apple can not even close.
apple has a very unique system, they are smart they have their own little digital universe that they can develop for and make good money.
when i feel like toying around, i play with pc's.
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For me toying around with computers will be my work so I can't see the distinction. ;)
media wouldnt be media w/o a mac
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Er what? When I look at a painting, read a book or listen to a song I don't especially think that Apple computing was the principle author of that media. I think that the artist / singer was the author. You can claim that the Mac has useful tools for computerized media work but you cant really say that it changed the course of media. Anyway what about beos? Far better at sound work than Mac OS X, but Mr Apple CEO decided not to tell the beos developers how their CPUs worked so beos got screwed. :rolleyes:
By the way Linux, not Mac OSX was used for developing the following movies:
Harry Potter
Scooby Doo
Stuart Little
Lord of the Rings
Toy Story
(and more)
Just so you know.
they are smart they have their own little digital universe that they can develop for and make good money.
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I would be far more impressed if they started making an impact on the real universe. Come on Apple, join the proper fight against Microsoft, get down in the trenches for gods sake. You arent going to beat the Microsoft whores by not taking risks.
[ August 05, 2003: Message edited by: Faust ]
quote:Originally posted by Faust:
I would be far more impressed if they started making an impact on the real universe. Come on Apple, join the proper fight against Microsoft, get down in the trenches for gods sake. You arent going to beat the Microsoft whores by not taking risks.
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A common mistake is thinking that Apple has to "beat" Microsoft to survive. It has been proven time and time again that Apple caters to a niche market, not the general populace. Essentially this means that whatever the commom moron likes or uses has little to no bearing on Apple's continued existence as a company.
Oh, and btw the way, Apple is a business not shock troops. They care precious little about anybody's idea of a "proper fight against Microsoft". M$ makes money off of Apple's market, and Apple makes money off of M$'s market. Neither one really gives a shit if the other lives or dies, they just care about counting them beans.
quote:Originally posted by bwid_s_01:
a) Almost Every single piece of hardware in Macs are made by Apple, and I like to be able to have a viriety of hardware vendors.
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Actually, no. Apple makes the motherboard, and probably most of the integrated chipsets on it (excluding graphics). That's it. Pretty much every other part is made by somebody else, including *gasp* the processor. Not really different than any other computer vendor on the market.
I don't think Apple has to beat Microsoft to survive - I just wan't to see Microsoft beaten and I think Apple can help.
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