Originally posted by Zardoz:
I don't think that if they ever did produce a PC based OSX (by that we mean X86, don't we) that they could guarantee it the way they do under current hardware controlled conditions?
I don't know much about Macs, other than I used to use one, but I do know something about machine language, and to me this is like apples and oranges - Motorolla being the apple, Intel being the orange - the language is completely different.
This would be like porting Amiga (a ROM OS system) to x86 (a RAM OS system), doesn't make much sense really - though they are doing that now with AmigaOS, but it's really not Amiga anymore.
I think Apple would risk making themselves look bad by porting over, and probably be wasting a lot of money doing it. Porting the GUI over would be quite easy, but acheiving the same reliability would be impossible.
I may be a little behind the times, but UNIX only runs on Solaris, doesn't it?