Author Topic: Why doesn't Apple design an operating system for PC?  (Read 2262 times)


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Why doesn't Apple design an operating system for PC?
« Reply #30 on: 15 August 2003, 20:35 »
Does the Mac support other graphic cards than nVIDIA and ATI?

What are you going to use?  Matrox who's last "intelligent" decision was to release a graphics card on a *PCI* slot?  Voodoo?  They used to make beatiful cards (dual processors, drool. 60 fps at 1280 * 1024 on a 1 gig athlon (counter strike). drool.) but nowadays the company is owned by nvidia. It doesn't seem that there are much graphics card companies out there...  (Unless you want to use intel on boards  :D  )
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Why doesn't Apple design an operating system for PC?
« Reply #31 on: 16 August 2003, 06:38 »
Originally posted by jeffberg: Mac Capitalist:
well let me ask you this...  Would you be OK with the very limited ATI and NVIDIA only support for an X86 OSX.  You may have one sound card choice.  Sound Blaster Live for Mac.  Etc. Etc.  Essectially Macs are PC's with different Mobos and CPU's.  However would you and the general population accept that OSX for PC would only support very limited hardware in the name of stability.  I personally would.  But I think it would make Apple look cheap.  "Why didn't you add support for Random Video Card #4583498?" and although Apple would have a genuine answer, the people would still bitch and moan.  Making Apple seem like a cheap company who doesn't work hard.  I would personally love OSX for PC, but I don't think it would help Apple.

Ever occur to you that the limited graphics support is because there is currently a limited number of choices?

If Apple ever did release an x86 OS, it's only logical that they would release additional drivers.  I mean, come on now, is that just too much common sense for you to handle?
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Why doesn't Apple design an operating system for PC?
« Reply #32 on: 16 August 2003, 06:45 »
I think it has something to do with Steve Job's obsession with not drinking beer. If he were to enjoy a nice lager or a good stout ale occasionally, Apple would be better off.

Or maybe they could let someone like WILL FERREL take over the company so that he would get some giant guns and do battle with Microsoft. He could do a Celebrity Switch show every time they have a press conference, or something like that. Make Apple more fun than they are now. I think I'm gonna start a new thread about how boring they are.
Go the fuck ~