Operating Systems > macOS

ibook trouble with jag

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part II:

os X.1 installed fine (wtf?!?) but jag still won't.  hmm

Graphics ain't that bad. Rage IIc I think is what's in there. And it's not the VRAM that enables QE, it's the chipset. No RAGE will ever run QE because of a bug in the damn thing. RAGE only supports power-of-two sized textures, meaning objects on screen would have to be certain sizes, and couldn't scale smoothly.

I ran X.2 on a Lonbard 400, which isn't that much better. Same lousy video. It did just fine. Give the thing enough RAM and you're okay. run thousands of colors, and don't expect anything beyond suckass when playing QT movies. Everyday onscreen graphics, though? not a problem. Contrary  to popular belief (and Apple marketing), G3s don't suck, and can in fact handle Quartz fairly well

The only issue I'd have with OS X on the clamshell iBooks is the screen. it's only 800x600, which will be kinda cramped.

[ May 26, 2003: Message edited by: Jimmy James: Computer Commando ]


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