Operating Systems > macOS

New Powermacs!!!

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The new powermacs are out! All of them feature dual PowerPC G4 processors, 1.25ghz is the new processor speed.  They also are using DDR-SDRAM, looks kick ass!

Check the specs here: http://www.apple.com/powermac/

Actually it looks kinda weird but it still kicks ass!

[ August 13, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]

I love the new case, except for the Siclops (spelled wrong i know) speaker.  But what are those 4 holes on the bottom for?


quote:Originally posted by Billy Gates:
But what are those 4 holes on the bottom for?
--- End quote ---

The holes are air intakes.  The back is now filled with air holes and the enclosure contains a larger cooling system.  Guess those duals run hot.  And the enclosure could also be used for the G5...probably another hot running processor.

I don't like the little ventilation holes on the front. That's my only complaint. More power to Apple for releasing the G4 tower we all wanted.

sweet, i said they should use ddr-ram. now, were is my altavec enabled x86-64 processer??

yeah, the new powermacs look fast as shit, and maybe the next set of them will take the more is better approach farther kinda like daystar used to. 4 processer g4, i think that would be the logical step.


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