Operating Systems > macOS

New Powermacs!!!

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comeon, the old daystars had 4 processer's in them. they ran photoshop fast as hell also. besides, what if apple is trying to get into the big iron business, kinda like sgi. but cheaper and a better buy

The new dual 1GHz aren't any faster than the old ones. http://www.barefeats.com/pmddr.html

They say the DDR ram is a waste cause the system bus is too slow for it.

i hate it when computers are i/o limeted, like, why not use an insanly fast system bus, and a low multieplyer, like a 2 ghz processer, with a multiplyer of 2 would be insane. even faster would be a chip with a multiplyer of 1. i can't wait for the latest hack on x86 to come out, the x86-64. that should be a fairly decent processer, cuase linus says so, as for the next hack on x86 after the 64 bit extensions, i think should be vecoring engines like the g4 has, then x86 wouldn't suck as much


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
obviuosly, im suprised you wertn' bleeding from the sarcasm. as for the power4's, i would love to have one, i want one of the older dual 604's that ibm has, like the 233mhz ones. i could never afforf something that the power4 is used with, unless of coures your rtalking about the gamecube
--- End quote ---

I think the GameCube CPU is a modified 750 (G3) with AltiVec. Not a POWER4.

It looks pretty neat. What I like about it is the 2 5.25" bays in front. I also like having dual CPU's up the whole G4 Tower line. I wonder if a regular internal CD or DVD drive would fit in one of those 2 slots?

   -Mr. Nobody


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