Operating Systems > macOS

New Powermacs!!!

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HHHHMMMM LAN machine - make all clear get ride of the speaker and put a switch there and make it glow blue with neons - it should come out the holes in the front as well  


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
sweet, i said they should use ddr-ram. now, were is my altavec enabled x86-64 processer??
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Fuck the x86. it's a little poser.

What you want is one of those new IBM POWER4's... yeah baby.

obviuosly, im suprised you wertn' bleeding from the sarcasm. as for the power4's, i would love to have one, i want one of the older dual 604's that ibm has, like the 233mhz ones. i could never afforf something that the power4 is used with, unless of coures your rtalking about the gamecube


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
4 processer g4, i think that would be the logical step.
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4 Procs? Have you seen the size of the heatsink? I think it takes up 1/4 of the case...they couldn't possibly fit 2 more procs unless the case were twice as long.

I want one! I'm gonna go cash in my change and sob   :D  


Master of Reality:


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