Operating Systems > macOS


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Does anyone know what the deal with G5 is, like how fast and esxpensive these babies are going to be? Clock speed anyone?

Well, most rumours place the cycles around 2-2,5 GHz. I guess we

The only reason Apple is holding back on the G5 is that it isn't ready yet.  That's it.  If it were ready to go, they'd move heaven and earth to get a new case design and everything else in place -- all that shit is minor.  It's just that Motorola . . . is . . . slow.

I won't be doing any upgrades for a long time, prolly close to a year. And it certainly won't be to an Apple product  

Dual Sledgehammers . . . .mmmmmmmm


quote:Originally posted by Bateleur:
I won't be doing any upgrades for a long time, prolly close to a year. And it certainly won't be to an Apple product  
--- End quote ---

Your loss.    


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