Operating Systems > macOS

Will this make your mouth water?

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When I saw this, I fell to the ground and began having seizures of joy.

I think they went a bit overboard in terms of power, though.. oh well, maybe SGI will start building personal computers and the world will switch upside down.

The Czar:

Sorry, but you can never have too much power!

Ctrl Alt Del 123:
Unlimited liscences..........

Windows 2000 Server: $1200 US (With 10 Client Access Licenses)

Windows 2000 Advanced Server: $4000 US (With 25 Client Access Licenses)

Apple Xserve: $3000.00 (Unlimited-Client License)

Apple Xserve, the power of UNIX with the ease of OS X, unlimited licenses.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server... the power of buring cash and the ease of a lighter wallet.

everybody in the world could have a "LinuxServer(TM)" if they really wanted one for FREEEEEEE!!!!!

if you guys are really interested in the xserve, there is a really server comparison here http://osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1106


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