Operating Systems > macOS
Camino (former Chimera) 0.7 is out
I've read an interesting article at Mozilla.org where the author and also a developer in the Mozilla team wrote that we haven't seen anything in Camino yet. He claims that it'll be a lot faster in the future as former versions (including 0.7) are based in last years Gecko engine and not this year's one.
You can read the whole article at my page.
Screw Mozilla. I just found my new browser.
quote:konquerer might suck sweat wrinkly ballsacks
--- End quote ---
Konq's a pretty good browser actually.. if you use the latest version. It loads things quickly, but it certainly isn't as render-reliable as Moz. It also "integrates" with KDE far better than Mozilla. It also has a nice download manager and tabbed browsing. I've been using it a lot lately, not really any rendering problems (and no crashes either)
[ March 15, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]
yeah, Safari just isn't progressing very quickly. You'd think that they could have gotten to at least version .7 by now.
We'll see how it goes, but from what I can see, the initial "wow" wore off and now everyone's going back to Chi... Camino.
The user community oughta just keep callin' it Chimera. Fuck copyrights
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