Author Topic: RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!  (Read 909 times)


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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« on: 12 July 2003, 02:48 »
This is what some dumbass left in my guestbook. I was going to give him a nice juicy response but he didn't leave his email address so I'll just post it here for you all to see as a public display of stupidity. This guys is so far off it's funny.

I can't believe people still buy Macs.  Seriously, they are terrible overpriced computers that can't do shit.  The new dual processor 2ghz G5 is a joke.  No wait.  They might be decent computers, but the G5 article on the Apple site is completely biased.  It pretends to be faster than dual 3ghz Xeon processors by only conducting tests themselves, then claiming to be the fastest.  Pure bullshit.  And what is a fast overpriced computer good for when the OS completely sucks balls.  At least Microsoft came out with WinXP, which is a vast improvement over previous operating systems, whereas Mac keeps on releasing the same garbage Mac OS; only changing the name and adding a few retarded features that nobody could possibly need.  There is one thing I like about Macs though... the ability to lose a file is MUCH EASIER.  Oh yeah, once you lose a file, it's gone.  At least on Windows you can RECOVER it.  Yeah, the word recover is something that is never associated with a Mac.  I like how Apple has to have their OWN SPECIAL STORE, cause I'll be damned if I have to go into a regular electronic store to get a Mac.  Sometimes, when I'm in one of their stores, I think that maybe this time I will change my mind about Apple and maybe buy one of their computers.  But let's face it, Macs are the worst.... but not as bad as people who buy Macs and "brag" about them.  Pathetic.
 And for all you Mac freaks who hate Bill Gates....
 If it weren't for antitrust monopoly laws in the US, Apple would have been out of business YEARS ago.  Microsoft owns stock in Apple for a reason.


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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« Reply #1 on: 12 July 2003, 03:00 »
He makes some very valid points. For example:

Microsoft came out with WinXP, [...] only changing the name and adding a few retarded features that nobody could possibly need.

I don't understand why you're angry.


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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« Reply #2 on: 12 July 2003, 19:00 »
I understand why he's angry. People like this, who obviously no nothing of the subject are usually of infecting others with their ideas. Bad.

I beleive it's a total myth that macs are over priced, the G5 starts at $1999, is that expensive? sure it is if you want to spend $400 on a system, build your own then. I just bought an iSight for
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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« Reply #3 on: 13 July 2003, 21:30 »

I can't tell if he is making fun of the mac cause he does use it...


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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« Reply #4 on: 13 July 2003, 21:42 »
Gee... that's a hard one...


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RRRGGHHH!!! it burns me!!!
« Reply #5 on: 13 July 2003, 10:04 »
Funny. Totally untrue, but funny.