Operating Systems > macOS

I say to Adobe: Try making better software!

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its not Keynote is it?

its called keynote. it seems cool. but i have never really had to use powerpoint presentations, so i havent really been paying much attention to it.
Steve Jobs designed keynote for his keynote addresses at the mac expos.


quote: The game cube has a 400mhz 128bit processer with a RISC arcitechture.
--- End quote ---

actually the GC has a 450 mhz 32 bit processor.

[ March 28, 2003: Message edited by: Windows XP Hater #2874586 ]

actually. the game cube=
quote: MPU ("Microprocessor Unit")*
Custom IBM Power PC "Gekko" @485 mhz
--- End quote ---

that is from Nintendos site.


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