Operating Systems > macOS
I say to Adobe: Try making better software!
my mac has given me no problems ever. i have never had to open the case and fiddle with anything. i dont have to do anything to it. "it just works" and well. my windows box, and my linux box give me headaches. linux not so much, but i still get them... i couldn't care that intels are faster. thats cool and all, but i can do way more (meaning, get more done in the least amount of time) on my mac.
I dunno, generaly I agree with him. He brings up a good issue, software now adays is more lazily written. Manuffacturers seem to expect the hardware to take up the slack. Just look at the bench mark he shows between final cut and After Effects. Same stuff, big speed diffrence.
I like Adobe, but why are they being such punks? They simply make the best draw program there is, and if 99% of graphic artists use Macs, then why is it such a big debate?? Why can't we all just get along?
So many companies involved in film, computer games, web design, and so on use Photoshop and other Adobe tools. They spend millions each year on the software. I wish they would pour that money into free software projects like gimp and film gimp, that way the software can benefit everyone and you can be sure it's optimized for your particular system and hardware since you have the source code.
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Like speed is the be-all end-all of computing anyway. I have a gamecube which isn't as fast as an xbox but xbox still sucks!
--- End quote ---
The game cube has a 400mhz 128bit processer with a RISC arcitechture.
The XBOX has a 733mhz peice of 32bit shit.
The gamecube's cpu is about twice as fast, probably faster.
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