Operating Systems > macOS

Who killed Apple Computer?

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No, what he meant was the original Apple died.

while still innovators, I don't see Apple causing the next paradigm shift in computing. The next "Macintosh" won't be from Apple. While still "original", the originality goes as far as being one of the few computer companies left that puts quality and good design first, and they have good ideas for software. Nothing earthshatteringly original, just good, as opposed to everybody else making mediocre, "good enough" shit.

the original apple is gone, never to return. They're not going anywhere... and that's the problem. They might not be dying, but they certainly aren't moving forward. Even in their position, they could still cause a revolution, but because of the company's culture nowadays, it won't happen. They've grown up as a business, and they, like any other company, are too afraid to risk something really different, no matter how much it would mean.


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