Operating Systems > macOS
Any 700mhz iBook owners here?
In the market for one and just thought I would see If anyone here has one and how they like it.
quote:Originally posted by Tbar:
In the market for one and just thought I would see If anyone here has one and how they like it.
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Their Grrrrrr8!
They have a small screen sometimes, and the keyboard is kinda crampd. But that is only my opinion.
On the plus side they are cute :D Really really cute!! :D Fast, stable, and generaly all around awsome!
Don't buy Apple RAM, buy 3rd party and fill the little sucker up. It will run like a dream. A great buy in any case.
BTW: I'm not an owner, but I know owners and I have used theirs. I love the freakin iBooks.
My dad has a G4Ti, now that is a laptop! OMFG!!! Awsome computer.
iBooks and Ti's are both great.
[ October 19, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
I have an iBook, recently bought, with a G3 PPC processor @600 Mhz though and not 700. Eventhough it comes with 128 MBs of RAM, it is just great. Really well-built, a bit small (mine with a 12.1" display) but really really cute (as psyjax said) and extremely well built.
At first I was a bit upset for having to sell my HP Omnibook (Intel Pentium III, 14.1" display, 32 MBs graphics card, DVD etc) to buy this one which lacks in some features but is extremely powerful nonetheless. Needless to say that i've already forgotten my old laptops (all x86). I just love my iBook and OS X. :D
Get one when you have the chance and you won't look back
Get a TiBook instead... even an older model will be nice too, and cheap! (well, not cheaper than the iBook... I think?)
<< Elitist TiBook owner... ;)
quote:Originally posted by MacUser3of5:
Get a TiBook instead... even an older model will be nice too, and cheap! (well, not cheaper than the iBook... I think?)
<< Elitist TiBook owner... ;)
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You think right! God I envy you. :mad: Well, one day I'll manage to get one, I think :D
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