Operating Systems > macOS

Any 700mhz iBook owners here?

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Thanks for your help guys!  My only concern is the 12.1 screen, if I will be happy with it. I know there is the 14.1, but....it really doesnt interest me as much.   I have an old Powerbook 1400cs and I do believe that the screen on it is even smaller than the ibook.  But, I guess I could always run it to an external monitor when I'm here at home.

Thanks again.

PS.  Powerbook 1400CS/133 and PowerPC 5500/225 owner here!  Don't laugh, I've only got $125 tied up in the pair, lol.

Thanks again

I have a PowerBook G3 (PDQ) 233 MHZ, 160 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD (Upgraded, DUH!) and I love it! Runs as smooth in Jag 10.2 as it does in 8.6!

And it's way sexier too  :D  

Oh, I forgot. Dual batteries = 7.5-8 hours battery life.

TiBooks? ::cringe::

The TiBooks with cracking paint and broken hinges, ruined power connectors, shorted logic boards, displays that bust easily, and the oh so many other problems that seem to be popping up?

I'll take a Wallstreet!

The more Apple does, the more I like the older Macs better.....

Haven't had those problems... I've heard of serious wallstreet issues as well... so STFU        :D

[ October 21, 2002: Message edited by: MacUser3of5 ]

never seen the TiBook gone bad. You using it as a doorstop?


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