Operating Systems > macOS
Microsoft brings Windows experience to the Mac!
The advantages of MS VirtualPC!
[ February 12, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
See this just prooves that there is no point in convincing Microsoft to move to Unix based Windows. In fact, God help us if they do, because this just goes to show MS can fuck anything up when they get their hands on it.
Now watch Microsoft try to spin this into a "Macs aren't any safer than Windows" issue.
This is my favourite part:
quote: I just want to thank Apple for providing all those great innovative technologies that let us do what we love best: creating great applications
--- End quote ---
That's just a little bit more than I wanted to know.
Correction: Stealing Great Applications, adding a animated paperclip.
Seems like MS has a "vulnerability" for everything.
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