Operating Systems > macOS
OS X or XPee?
I was debating with someone last night and the topic of Windows XP's uncanny resemblence to OS X came up. I was wondering which came out first, XP or OS X. I could have sworn that it was OS X that came out first because I remember hearing it on the radio that XP was coming out that day after my friend already had had OS X throughout the summer before that. Does anyone have any links to any sites that state when the two came out?
[ August 01, 2003: Message edited by: Macman ]
OS X did, OS X server was first released in March 1999. The beta for OS X 10 was first available 13th Sept. 2000 the public release was March 2001.
Xpee Windows XP RC1 was June 2001 and Windows XP Home and Professional was October 25, 2001.
[ August 01, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]
OSX is not all cluttered, and is way better looking. Also has more eye candy that attracts alot of users.
XP is just a nightmare.
You just got into my signature, raptor.
[ August 04, 2003: Message edited by: Macman ]
Panther's gf:
I proudly confess that I have been so lucky that I haven't had to even touch an XP yet. :D
Heh, X pee. True. It feels so pee..
[ August 06, 2003: Message edited by: Panther's gf ]
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