Operating Systems > macOS

This is hilarious

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29. I heard that Apple is coming out with a laptop - it's called an Etch-A-Sketch.

28. Apple's CEO gets a salary of $1.00 per year.* Pretty sad when a computer company's CEO gets less than most kids' weekly allowance.

27. Apple has filed for bankruptcy three times. Microsoft has almost filed for bankruptcy once.

26. I figured out why Apple used colored plastic for the iMacs - because they couldn't afford the beige cases.

25. Now I know why they make the covers on the iMac easy to pop off - that way when you want to change the desktop wallpaper, you can open the cover and slide a piece of paper down behind the screen.

24. Have you ever wondered why the new Macintosh mice don't have the little ball in the bottom of the mouse? Because Apple couldn't afford them.

23. Apple is so dumb, they have to color-coordinate their own computers (iMacs).

22. Macs freeze up for no reason. Sure, IBMs might SEEM freeze up every now and then, but IBMs are actually working when they "freeze up;" Macs just sit there and take up space (wait a minute; Macs just sit there and take up space even when they're not frozen up).

21. You have to go up to "Special" and then hit "Eject Disc" just so you can get a CD out.

20. Macs are not ecologically sound. They use a trash can while IBMs use a recycling bin. Who is more concerned about the world; A company with rotten apples, or the one with pretty windows?!

19. How long do you have to wait, just to start up a computer? By the time the thing loads up, I wouldn't want to use it, even if it was good.

18. Schools use Macs. Worst of all, they think that they are good and they make their students think that. But schools buy them because they are cheaper, not because they are better. Maybe they should just spend a little more and get their students better computers to work with.

17. Why did Apple have to come out with a second iMac? Probably because they messed up the first one so bad that they had to come up with another to make up for it.

16. Why couldn't Macintosh spend a little extra money and put in a CD-ROM drive that opens all the way, not just an inch (iMac)?

15. A true apple company sells fruit, not computers. And, at least the other company's product tastes good!

14. The Apple Company couldn't even use a full apple as their logo. Says a lot about the quality of their products if they can't even use a complete logo.

13. I hate the Apple Command Button, Period.

12. The Speakers are too small.

11. On older Macs, there is an annoying, useless little black square on them.

10. How about the size of the Apple microphone?! I realize that Micro means small, but C'mon! I know that you can buy new microphones to go with your computer, but that is just an added expense. Why wouldn't Apple just build in a good one from the beginning?

9. What is up with there not being an actual power button on the computer itself. You use the keyboard button. I can do that on my PC but I also have a button on my tower. Yeesh, I guess that would cost Apple too much to have another button.

8. On older Macs, there isn't even an eject button for your floppy disks. What happens if your computer won't restart because it blew up (Macs like to do this) and then you can't get the stupid disk out of your computer? (On the newer Macs, there isn't even a floppy drive that comes with the computer.)

7. Out of curiosity, why put a handle on a computer (iMac) that is supposedly a desktop computer? Besides, it looks tacky. Can you say fashion sense?

6. The Apple company has to make different color computers just to get a few more to sell. Why choose from five colors when you can get one tan colored IBM that is better?

5. Why would anyone buy from a company that sold a computer (iMac) without a floppy drive? How stupid can a company's CEO get?

4. How can you screw up a mouse? Apple has successfully limited consumers to only one button whereas PC's use 2-3, sometimes more with new wheel mice. Plus, their mice (older iMacs) are so small, you could easily lose them under your index finger.

3. Upgrades and software are at a minumum. Once you buy a Mac, you get the software that came with it, and that is about it.

2. They've got as much memory as Ronald Reagan.

And the number one reason that the Macintosh Operating System is a piece of trash is...

They Just Plain Stink!!!


Macman??? WTF?

Master of Reality:

You know your old when you use "IBM" instead of "PC" or "Wintel".

I'll second that WTF?


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