Operating Systems > macOS

This is hilarious

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Macman the mac-hater?

anybody ever noticed that people who hate MS are typically well educated, intelligent, thinking persons who are well versed in technology of all sorts, while those that sling mud at Linux/UNIX and Mac are ignorami, typically teenagers, who don't know anything more than how to play shoot em up games and type in l337 speak and have arguments like "it doesn't have good games" or "it was made for dummy people" or something rather inane and ignorant.

I hate Microsoft because they're an illegal monopoly and seem bent on domination. If they'd change those two things, I'd stop hating them. I hate Apple corporate because they're bonehead marketeers that have forgotten that the first step in designing a new computer is DESIGNING THE COMPUTER, not marketing it. Oh. They even suck at marketing. An Apple monopoly would be many, many times worse than what MS has.

But you know what? I don't insult people because of what platform they choose. I might insult the people that made their OS, or in the case of Windows 9x, I insult their OS, but it's their fucking choice to use it. I campaign for technology, generally against MS, but I'm sure as Hell not going to pull some shit like that.

So... who wants to hax0r that cheeseball anti-Mac site?

Apple bad marketeers? Yes.

Bad computer makers? No.

I blame Mototola and other companys for screwing Apple where it hurts time and time again. I think all Mac fan's will be singing a diffrent tune once IBM becomes main supplyer. I think Apple is a damn fine company.

As for a monopoly being worse if it were Apple, I think all monopolys are bad.

This evangelist is so incredibly idiotic (as is the entire site) that was rolling on the floor laughing at how uneducated the person who wrote this is. I can't believe you don't find this funny.

22. Macs freeze up for no reason. Sure, IBMs might SEEM freeze up every now and then, but IBMs are actually working when they "freeze up;" Macs just sit there and take up space (wait a minute; Macs just sit there and take up space even when they're not frozen up).


Anyway, you can read my flame of this site if you want.

I thought it was very funny. Especially as almost every statement was WRONG - it's almost as if the original author had a major attack of sarcasm, but can't write very well, thereby missing the point.


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