Operating Systems > macOS


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iMac isn't really for me, for these reasons:
1. I have heard lots -and lots- about their active-matrix displays going bad. Dead pixel = not cool. And I dont need that anyway. They look cool, but in my opinion, eMacs look just as cool.
2. Aren't eMacs and iMacs the same with just different looks? On many performance tests they seem to be only around 1-2 seconds apart. (The only difference I can see is that the iMac has a geforce 4 mx, but its still 32 mb of vid memory- just like the eMac).

I dunno. eMac really is scraping the bottom of the barrel. I do have a job- well, a quasi-job. I just got 60$ for repairing my dad's truck's clutch, and i'm about to get some more for installing some electric fence system. Right now I got around 700.

Pretty much all I need it to do is basic computer stuff, a VERY small amount of gaming, and some gimp/dv editing. (F&#K Adobe and their 300$ crap) As long as it does it DECENT too. I dont need filters being done in 2 seconds or a whole movie compiled in 10 minutes. As long as its not unbearable or anything worse than my athlon 1600+ that I'm using right now.

Also, i'll be shipping off to college in 2 years and I can get me a dandy dual powermac then.

[ March 17, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

[ March 17, 2003: Message edited by: MacBling ]

You'd be suprised how well Macs can play games. I play Warcraft III on my iBook (16MB VRAM, Radeon 7500 Mobility) all the time.

The iMac G3's suck ass...stay away from them at all costs.

If that's all you need it for, the eMac should be fine for you...

I never said I wanted a g3- beleive me I dont. But I just found out that my war3 disk broke and that sucks totaly. I'll have to ebay me another one *sigh*. Damn cyclic redundancy check.


quote:Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
You'd be suprised how well Macs can play games. I play Warcraft III on my iBook (16MB VRAM, Radeon 7500 Mobility) all the time.

The iMac G3's suck ass...stay away from them at all costs.

If that's all you need it for, the eMac should be fine for you...
--- End quote ---

You play on bnet? What's your account?

I don't know about him, but I always go by the name ColinQuinn. (us east)


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