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iBook questions

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on my little 300mhz ibook, i have been able to run apps like photoshop, and flash. not a problem. of course, if the file gets really big, then it will be a problem. mostly, it is for me to show clients my work a little easier. instead of just print-outs, i can show them how their demo is going to work, or how their animation looks. it would be nice to have a faster, more powerful laptop, but for now its working. i guess it is a test. if i actually use the ibook, and it becomes somewhat of a neccesity, i will consider upgrading and getting a powerbook.

How much GB of space do iBooks have?

mine has a 5.5gig drive. it is a little small, but if you have the patience, and like to take things apart, you can put a new one in. they make 40gig drives that are small enough to fit in the ibook. i think the newer ibooks all have at least 20gig drives.

I've upgraded my PowerBook G3 Wallstreet to 20 GB and my iBook SE 2nd ed. to 30 GB. Upgrading the Wallstreet was SO much easier...I didn't have to take the whole damn thing apart.

On the plus side, everything is MUCH faster. Programs and files FLY open in comparision to before the upgrades. RAM helps a lot too.

Hehehe, saw an old blueberry ibook on ebay being sold for $15, one person had made a bid for $7, then I came back today and the price had been changed to $300 or something. haha, what a horrible mistake to make. What if someone had met the fifteen bucks and gotten it? And what kind of idiot bids $7 when they could have met it with 15?


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