Operating Systems > macOS

need a cheap mac for video editing

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Hmmm... the 9600 is a go. If your going for the upgrade thing I would load that baby up with all the trimmings and go for the G4 card, G4's floor their G3 cusins despite clockspeeds.

If you want upgrade cards, checkout MacMall.com

alse, read www.lowendmac.com (specifically http://www.lowendmac.com/macdan/01/1212hj.html) and www.resexcellence.com for tips and tricks to tweaking old systems.

Here are some reviews of upgrades:


The dual 500 for sale on that site is an awsome system too. I don't think an upgraded 9600 vs. a T bird 900 will win, but it won't be slow. As mentioned above, clockspeed isn't the prime requisit for video, what you need is good storage and video hardware.

Remember, your going for a cheep video box, your not gonna have a powerhouse 3d rendering, FPS game machine, but you will have a fully functional awsome video editing unit.

None the less, that dual 500Mhz unit for sale, will require little or no upgrades and will surely outperform a 9600. That is a better buy in the long run because it won't be going obsolete for a while and when it does it will be more upgradable. You will also save cash on upgrades.

The lowendmac article suggests that to trick out a 9600 it will run into the 1000's of dollars, so you may be just better off getting the dual 500 unit. While running OSX it will kick the shit out of most any computer short of of a dual 2gig athlon  :D

It's your call. Don't forget online auctions, sometimes you can get even better deals from them.

[ June 19, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


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