Operating Systems > macOS
PPC Linux...
What is everyone's views on Yellow Dog Linux ?
(please inform me if this is a repost. I took the courtousy of performing a search but didn't find any specific threads about Yellow Dog. I could be wrong though)
quote:Originally posted by TheGreatPoo: Mac Commando:
What is everyone's views on Yellow Dog Linux ?
(please inform me if this is a repost. I took the courtousy of performing a search but didn't find any specific threads about Yellow Dog. I could be wrong though)
--- End quote ---
YDL is good. If you can get it up and running. It tends to be finniky when dealing with nVidia Cards. It dosn't support anything above a GeForce II ! and that's way sucky.
The new Mandrake for PPC may be a better bet. It seems to actually have better hardware support (though I havent tried it). YDL is pretty much like RedHat. And pretty much like any other linux. Only difference, is that your on a Mac.
Which brings me to my final point... why run it? OSX probably came free with your Mac, and it pretty much has all the OSS software you would ever want, yet with the simplicity, stability, and modularity of a modern OS. Not to mention the Ease of use of a Mac.
I have had it installed for a while now and I can't really find a reason to use it much, but it is fun to mess around with when I have some spare time.
The reason I am asking is because I cannot run OSX. :( I have an OLD Mac. It's a Performa 6360 and YDL's site says that this is the only Performa that YDL will run on. I'm just lookin for something to mess around with and something more stable than OS 9.1. As far as hardware support, as long as it supports my NIC card (Apple Comm slot II), video card (ATI Xclaim with 8 MB Video RAM), and my G3 Processor upgrade. YDL's site that sometimes the G3 cards work, sometimes they don't.
If I could install OSX on my machine, believe me I would in a HURRY (I would just be afraid that it would run ridiculously slow).
Oh well. I guess I could give them both a try (Mandrake and YDL). The only reason I leaned more towards YDL is because (correct me if I'm wrong) it started out and has always been PPC.
Thanx for the replies! :D
yellow dog is RH based, mandrake is based on... well, mandrake. Mandrake is based on RH too, but with open source that's not a huge issue. Both probably just use the powerpc compiled linux kernel and software (open source) compiled for that kernel on that architecture, so one's unlikely to have better performance over the other due to how long it's been going or what it's based on, but of course mdk and RH/YDL will have different design goals etc, so take your pick.
I just heard gentoo are now doing a ppc version of their linux too, also i knew i would find it if i looked, there's a debian ppc version too, looks like SuSE does one for 80 bucks too on that platform:
of course i don't have a mac and haven't tried any of them, so if you do try some, let us know how you get on.
oh yes, there's an as yet not really used linux PPC forum you might want to start posting in at http://voidmain.is-a-geek.net/forums/viewforum.php?f=14
i know there's not much incentive since it hasn't really been used much, but that's a forum where there's good community so you'll likely find some benefit.
[ June 04, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]
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