Operating Systems > macOS
Friends can't stream videos.
quote:Originally posted by Macman: OFTEN posts here:
2. By making people replace their friends with eMacs they are desocializing our society and replacing people with machines, which means that Apple is run by intelligent machines that want to enslave us and use our bodies as batteries while keeping us in a fake, digital world!!
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You don't get that for turning in people you know who sell drugs to kids, what kind of world do we live in? apart from that, the people who are turning in lawbreakers are likely to lawbreakers themselves in my opinion, so why issue them rewards?
that's pure terrorism to offer a grand to turn in your friends. it's all very well for us to state "oh well, i wouldn't turn in my friends", but for people who pirate music, how do you know everybody has that attitude? how do you know everyone who sees your pirated music is your "friend"?
anyway, personally i do disagree with illegally copying music to distribute in any way, as well as illegal dvds and so on, but that measure is too far! how's it really worth it? aren't there more important crimes being commited? and prosecuting people for having copied music for personal use is ridiculous! if a person doesn't distribute their music (ie selling it) then their personal stash of copied music is harming nobody any more than them listening to the radio would.
I really gotta get around to moving to the North Pole one of these days. What a fucked up society.
quote:Originally posted by Macman: No longer posts here:
I really gotta get around to moving to the North Pole one of these days. What a fucked up society.
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Canada's close enough. ;)
I guess that's the next best thing to the North Pole. I'll probably end up living there someday.
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