Operating Systems > macOS
I got 10.2!!!
:D I didnt want to pay, I bitched and moaned about it but I couldnt stat away. I dunno if its worth $130 [I got it at the educatinal discount though($70)] but it kicks ass! The three most improvments I can see are the finder, start up and web pages load ALOT faster. Most of all though is the start up, 10.1.x was a little lag on the start up but with 10.2 its up within 20 seconds... Overall its much, much better. If you havn't upgraded I suggest you do!
Please provide pictures to prove...
I notioced tons of improvements, everything renders faster, the windows are snappier, lots more eye candy :D
And, maybe it's just me, but it looks crisper. Another cool thing is the new DevTools which havce always rocked. My oen complaint is that Duality wont work with 10.2 and Im gonna have to wait in order to use my fav. themes :(
Whatever, a small price to pay. I thinki it is well worth the cash, in my view it is 100 percent better, if not for the hardware acceleration alone. I also like the way the madde Sherlock and Find separete functions. It makes searching alot quicker and more streemlined. Spring loaded folders rock.
quote: Another cool thing is the new DevTools which havce always rocked.
--- End quote ---
Dev tools kicks ass!
Proof for refalm:
Dont click that link if your on a dialup, its a big picture! :D
quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
I notioced tons of improvements, everything renders faster, the windows are snappier, lots more eye candy :D
And, maybe it's just me, but it looks crisper. Another cool thing is the new DevTools which havce always rocked. My oen complaint is that Duality wont work with 10.2 and Im gonna have to wait in order to use my fav. themes :(
--- End quote ---
hey, i got duality, but i cant find any themes fo it. the program actually runs, but none of the themes ive found work on it. where did you get the themes you use?
and about 10.2, im too poor to afford the upgrade, so ill just wait until i get a new computer. its apples fault though, i COULD have afforded a $30 upgrade... but not $130. im just bitter, though..
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