Operating Systems > macOS
I got 10.2!!!
I tryed to get a few of them to work, but no deals. It didnt effect anything though, it just didnt work. But if you read on that site it says at the top.
quote: Starting August 24th the themes page will only contain themes compatible with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). Themes for 10.1 will be accessable in another area.
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[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
The best themes are available at ResExcellence.com
When you download a theme decompress it, and place the .theme folder into System->Library->Themes. Im not sure if this is the main system or the one in your user folder, it's been a bit since I have been there, check both, it shouldent be to hard to find. Once in there boot up duality and it should apear on the list.
Make sure you put the whole .theme folder in, don't mess with it's contents.
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Ive tried that, i downloaded all the themes i got from ResExcellence.com, and none of them work. Duality (3.1) says that 10.0 themes wont work with 10.1. whats the deal? i put 'em in my themes folder and stuff, no dice... :(
quote:Originally posted by trc3 :
Do you have duality 3.1? If you dont go download it, and on the internet menu click live theme, it will get a list of some of the themes you can download. Also there is 2 versions to download, their both the same except one comes with a few themes already installed. And if your to poor to afford the update then how are you going to afford to get a new mac? I say buy 10.2 on line and get the educatinal discount, you dont have to prove you go to school or anything.
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I went to the live theme thing, and there were no themes to download. im not too poor to afford the upgrade, technically, but im too poor to be spending $120, or even $70 on an upgrade. more important things, like school, and transportation.
Hmmm... so your problem is the New Duality wont suport old themes. Can you download the old one?
If not, I have the Disk Image of the old one. IF you want I can e-mail it to you. That shou;d work fine.
I miss the Happy Mac. My computing life began on a Mac/SE 30 (which I still have up and running)
I just read (although I'm out of the running right now because I'm still trying to overtake my windoze machine with a new OS) that Mac is running behind in the new system... they underestimated their market - so for a 17" flatscreen etc...it can take up to 4 weeks.
Myself, if I could afford the beast, I would be using my current laptop for a bunwarmer...
I hate when this happens with Mac stuff - it gives people another argument as to why Microsoft rules.
Just my piece - Peace.
hmmm, if i could afford a g4 system, my current main x86 box would join my seti cluster/*a 32 port hub and 3 comps*/
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