Operating Systems > macOS
I got 10.2!!!
do you guys miss the happy mac startup screen?
Actually I like the new one, but ive only been using a mac for like 6 or 7 months. Most of the old school mac addicts want the happy mac back. Besides I hardly ever see it, cause I rarely have to restart. :D
[ August 28, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
quote:Originally posted by FOOZKEEPER:
hey, i got duality, but i cant find any themes fo it. the program actually runs, but none of the themes ive found work on it. where did you get the themes you use? and about 10.2, im too poor to afford the upgrade, so ill just wait until i get a new computer. its apples fault though, i COULD have afforded a $30 upgrade... but not $130. im just bitter, though..
--- End quote ---
Do you have duality 3.1? If you dont go download it, and on the internet menu click live theme, it will get a list of some of the themes you can download. Also there is 2 versions to download, their both the same except one comes with a few themes already installed. And if your to poor to afford the update then how are you going to afford to get a new mac? I say buy 10.2 on line and get the educatinal discount, you dont have to prove you go to school or anything.
The best themes are available at ResExcellence.com
When you download a theme decompress it, and place the .theme folder into System->Library->Themes. Im not sure if this is the main system or the one in your user folder, it's been a bit since I have been there, check both, it shouldent be to hard to find. Once in there boot up duality and it should apear on the list.
Make sure you put the whole .theme folder in, don't mess with it's contents.
I'm too nervous to install any of my OS 10.1.5 themes into Jaguar, as Jag is working perfectly right now and I don't wanna jinx it.
Anyone using any of these themes with Jaguar?
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