Operating Systems > macOS

My loyalty falters...

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There's nothing wrong with the speed. As far as I can notice, my iMac seems to actually do things with a decent speed as compared to the glacial speed of XP.

Don't lie, XP is faster than you can possibly imagine.

"faster than I can possibly imagine" doesn't include the fact that I'm afraid of clicking on some files because Internet Explorer may load, and by the time it's finished and returned control of my computer to me, I've lost 3 or 4 minutes of my life to the damn thing.

I dont think xp is very fast. I use it evryday at work. It does some things I like, but all in all, I think it sucks, and I am very happy to come home to my mac. I like the macs, especially os10.2. Had I been an old school mac user (pre osX) I would probably feel differently. People dont like change, and apple certainly changed their style. Maybe the company sucks, but they build a very nice machine. And I think its worth the money.

If I had to go back to x86, I would probably use redhat 8.0. fuck a windows. fuck a xp.


Let's just say I'd love to have a beige G3 and a middling AMD. That'd be the optimum duo for me!


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