I dunno, I said it once, I'll say it again. The day Apple is out, is the day I give up computers.
I don't know about bussness politics etc. All I know is that I like their products over all the others plain and simple. I don't know about this chips better than this, or that mobo is better than this one etc. etc. All I know is that my Dual 800 G4 does everything I wan't and more. So why the hell do I want a PC running wintel or Linux?
And as for Job's, be patient folks! God people have short memories, you do realize that Job's pulled Apple out of the gutter in the midninties, it was Jobs who has put Apple back on the map as major computer company, and it will be Job's who fixes the current ailments.
Let's not forget that this is actually steves company. He started this in his garage with the Woz in the 70's. He has a personal stake in it's success and it has nothing to do with the bottom line, Job's invisioned the personal computer, and is truely one of the godfathers of the phenomena.
So, have faith folks, Apple will be around for a very long time. It will have it's ups and downs, but that comes with the territory.