Operating Systems > macOS
My loyalty falters...
Mac people write to much
losing a battle does not loose the war.
I remember using my first mac around the time of win3.11 still being mainstream. We had a classroom full of these shitty boxes with windows and in the corner were 5 of the most stunning machines i had seen. All white neat an compact 4 of them were apple pc's and the 5th was a black and white apple mac laptop computer with those rollers balls for a mouse. I preferred them to anything at the time and i've always wanted a mac since then.
The GUI was so much more than windows and still is, the only reason why i got a pc was because i was 13 and it was compatible with everything else.
shame...but anyway, a mac is the next pc i will buy. I already got an AMD machine and a laptop so a new pc isn't needed.
I think the reason Apple appears to suck to most of us is because with the release of OS X Apple knows it can get ahead partially by using money-making strategies that may include lousy service, but the only thing it needs to do is get some better ads. What they need to do is not show people talking about mac, not show the macs themselves, but show OS X in action.
I also know what you mean by the old hardware being more stabile. I still run an old Performa 6115 and an even older Centris 610 for word processing and stuff (and i would feel bad if i got rid of them). The Centris has never crashed or froze once in ten years and the Performa only crashed when the fan inside broke down. Although they are as slow as crap, they are still very dependable machines. In the ten months that I've owned my Quicksilver G4, however, it has frozen maybe five times, but I don't recall it ever crashing. Not a problem, but it would be great if I still had the reliability of my old computers.
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Heh, it looks like Linux is converting Maccies to PC. If this becomes a common trend in Mac land, Linux will end up taking Apple out while it barely hurts MS. ;P
--- End quote ---
This is kind of disturbing. What if Linux goes down in flames and all the Mac users that have converted to PC to use Linux are forced to start using Windows?
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