Operating Systems > macOS
My loyalty falters...
quote:Originally posted by Tbar:
I have tried and tried to like linux and I honestly don't get the fascination with it. I have tried Red Hat, Mandrake and another that I can't remember the name of off hand. In my opinion, the GUI's suck, both KDE and GNOME, and, again, before linux person freaks out, a command line OS is a step backward. In the real world people like it to be easy and able to learn it quickly.
Until there is a decent gui for Linux with tighter integration, I don't see you average small business owner or casual home owner switching to linux. Speaking as a consultant, Linux is great is some respects. But in the real world, i.e. business world user applications, don't expect to see "the secretary" or "a small business owner" or a "casual home user" to switch to Linux for some time.
As far as my argument for linux/unix needing a good gui, I suppose OSX is it. I believe that OSX is the future.
Just an opinion.
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I have to agree. The Linux Window Managers have a terrible GUI. They are nowhere as easy to use, they don't look as neat&Clean, They aren't as functional(despite what Linux Zealots say), etc.
I've already said this in another thread, but I think Linux looks and feels really Generic(what can you expect from a free OS though?).
Linux is great for a server because you can have the machine running 24/7 in like a closet, basement, etc. where it's ugly ass doesn't have to be seen anybody. If Microsoft ever went down I would jump ship to Apple way before I would even consider using Linux(a nerdy geeks' OS) as my OS. If Apple ever makes a good port of OSX(Darwin) to PC with Aqua I will definatley have a dual boot setup(Windows and OSX). To be honest, I think Apple would make alot of money if they would release a good OSX to x86...all even go as far as to say they would probably make 2x-4x the money they make now just by providing good x86 software and OSes instead of selling propriarity computers that only runs thier OS and a few Linuxes(or they could stick to both methods of sale).
The only reason why Linux Zealots love Linux so much is because it isn't made by Microsoft and it didn't cost them any money. Linux has nothing great or compelling to offer a user that Windows doesn't already have.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by Macman / Bob:
This is kind of disturbing. What if Linux goes down in flames and all the Mac users that have converted to PC to use Linux are forced to start using Windows?
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Linux wont die is the thing it cant and is impossible, its like "Nailing zombies dick to a tree, he doesnt have one" Linux has no center, even if all the Linux companys went bust, development would still continue.
X11 the ad in your sig is pathetic. I can't believe you're helping to spread that rubbish around. Please, think of the children!
quote:Originally posted by Tbar:
I have tried and tried to like linux and I honestly don't get the fascination with it. I have tried Red Hat, Mandrake and another that I can't remember the name of off hand. In my opinion, the GUI's suck, both KDE and GNOME, and, again, before linux person freaks out, a command line OS is a step backward. In the real world people like it to be easy and able to learn it quickly.
Until there is a decent gui for Linux with tighter integration, I don't see you average small business owner or casual home owner switching to linux. Speaking as a consultant, Linux is great is some respects. But in the real world, i.e. business world user applications, don't expect to see "the secretary" or "a small business owner" or a "casual home user" to switch to Linux for some time.
As far as my argument for linux/unix needing a good gui, I suppose OSX is it. I believe that OSX is the future.
Just an opinion.
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Eventhough I agree about OS X's Aqua GUI, which is the best around, I don't agree with your remarks about Linux window managers. KDE and GNOME look and behave much better than they did in earlier versions! All you have to do is have a look at RedHat 8.0's KDE and GNOME window managers, that are now more functional than ever (and better looking may I add).
quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
X11 the ad in your sig is pathetic. I can't believe you're helping to spread that rubbish around. Please, think of the children!
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Surely, it's a Joke :D
Coul'd you just link to it without the banner X? The flashing thing is rather epileptic.
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