Operating Systems > macOS

My loyalty falters...

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Well if more people click it the sooner i go away, if i get 80 clicks i get one for free, and i see if its a load of shit. If it is, a big flame goes to the person making it, and a rant goes on my site (now theres a testimony).

It almost looks authentic... (The sites to crappy for it not to be)

So try clicking and buying one!


quote:Originally posted by The Czar:
Come on guys! How can you turn your back on Apple? Sure they're having some problems, but what's the alternative? x86, and that's dominated by M$.
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And whose fault is that? consumers, that's who. mac fanatics cannot seem to understand the fdifference between hardware and software. it is quite easy really, but maybe it is because apple makes both that it is so confusing.  
quote:Plus, x86 boxes aren't as elegant as Macs.
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well that's an important factor isn't it! how can you actually even say that, when the box you put your computer in can be as elegant or inelegant as you like? i have seen plenty of elegant cases for AT and ATX size stuff, so what's the problem?
quote:Not to mention kernel panics, processor overheats and massive electrical bills from running the machines.
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You're having me on when you say that the difference in electrical consumption is a seriously different enough factor to make you want to buy a mac over a 'PC'. What's the difference in price between a macintosh and its equivelant 'PC', and then compare that with how long it will take you to save the same money in electricity bills?
And as for kernel panics, firstly macOS has these, second of all, if you persist in not seeing the difference between hardware and software then there is little point in me continuing.
quote:The Mac is a superior machine. You get what you pay for.
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True, macintosh is a better machine, and it is more expensive, but you must allow people to buy mid-price kit as well, otherwise we are looking at an apple monopoly, and that *would* be ugly.


quote:Originally posted by Tbar:
 and, again, before linux person freaks out, a command line OS is a step backward.  In the real world people like it to be easy and able to learn it quickly.
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that's why macs exist. macs are for middle managers and home use, unix is for nerds and scientists. => macs are for idiots, unix is for geeks. what's windows for?

quote:Until there is a decent gui for Linux with tighter integration,
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whatever that means... and what does it mean exactly?    
quote:I don't see you average small business owner or casual home owner switching to linux.
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do we care? linux is not a company. iunlike microsoft and apple, linux does not care if you use it.    
quote:Speaking as a consultant, Linux is great is some respects.  But in the real world, i.e. business world user applications, don't expect to see "the secretary" or "a small business owner" or a "casual home user" to switch to Linux for some time.

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see previous answer, however i am a casual home user and so is my girlfriend. she uses kde3 and i use XFce, and we are both quite happy with linux, thank you very much. linux and macOSX are not in the same market, they do not apply to the same people, the people who choose to use linux are different people to those who use a mac, and in the odd case where they are not, you can bet the reasons for somebody using a mac are different for the same persons reasons for using linux.

the GUI issue has blurred this area somewhat but i think that stuff i just said still holds true.
quote:As far as my argument for linux/unix needing a good gui, I suppose OSX is it.  I believe that OSX is the future.
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hmm, don't know about you, but i think monopolies are a *bad* thing. I am a person who thinks that having X windows as the only way of displaying graphics in linux is a bit iffy. there should always be an alternative way for everything.

[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]


quote:Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:

Linux wont die is the thing it cant and is impossible, its like "Nailing zombies dick to a tree, he doesnt have one" Linux has no center, even if all the Linux companys went bust, development would still continue.
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Oh no, I sure don't. Because I have no dick, I never have to piss either.    :rolleyes:    You are a god damn idiot man. I don't even get why I take my time to reply to the guy who has been deemed the newest troll of this forum. Why don't you go self promote your own crappy, poorly coded software or something? Oh yeah, that ad-banner in your sig sucks(I have it handidly bloced ;P). Go get a job and you won't have to rely on ad banners for $$$.

Is there any way that I can block Ex Eleven to where I don't have to see any of his spam posts? I know I can block getting private messages from him, but that isn't good enough.

[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

I have allways resented the "Mac's are for idiot's" rhetoric. That certainly is not the case seeing as how you can get just as technical with OSX as you can with *NIX.

M$ is for idiots, especially XP which has totaly done away with it's techie side.


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