Operating Systems > macOS
My loyalty falters...
Master of Reality:
You guys are gonna get it when the webmaster sees this.
Now go to your room!
LOL m0r!
I am using a PBG3 now, but that's just cuz I'm too cheap to buy a newer one. I would GLADLY have bought a new iBook or PowerBook if I had the money.
Older Macs are great, and have lots of value. Mac hardware doesn't depreciate like PC hardware. PC hardware is worth shit in 18 months, and a Mac that old can get 3/4 to 2/3 the orig. price.
That's cuz there's no reason to go out and buy new hardware every 1.5 to 2 years. The Mac OS isn't getting more and more bloated like Winblows is.
Macs are the best out there right now in my opinion, and I have no plans to switch to all x86 any time soon.
I don't think I'll move from the Mac for my primary machine anytime soon (my trusty 604 seems to keep pulling the wagon year after year), but for my secondary web-browsing and coding machines Linux looks really, really attractive.
I still think the Mac is a great platform. The best hardware and software out there. But the business behind it is really not impressing me in the least. They've gone from the friendly company that they used to be to a cold, hard, bitch like the dotcom-era Sun.
Sun got it in the end, and I'm afraid Apple might get the same treatment if they continue to put the bottom line before their customers like they have been as of late.
[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]
quote: I also hate Apple the company. since Steve came back, they've sucked.
--- End quote ---
Haw haw! If I'd have posted such an opinion, I'd be hung by my toes, and X11 would proceed to post rants in the lounge about how he wants to rape and/or kill me.
I agree though. Apple sucks. Macs don't suck but they will if they don't drop the price OR improve the speed.
[ November 02, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]
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