Operating Systems > macOS
My loyalty falters...
quote:Originally posted by cocoamix:
Hey Zombie, for one, it's spelled "soldered."
Second, every PowerMac since the beige box in 1997 can take a ZIF processor upgrade.
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Then why have we had a few G4 Macs come into the shop that had thier CPU soldered on the board(not socketed)?
quote:Originally posted by Calum & his insidious little spies:
zombie90210 is silent. just like he always is as soon as the polylogue gets interesting...
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Actually I got silent because I had to go to work(some of us do work you know). ;)
quote:Yes, i love that, what tools do you use for your sodderring, zombie?
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Bleh, I told you that I get in a hurry when I type and I don't proof-read before I post. Oh well, to be a smartass I'll just answer by saying that you would use a "soddering" iron and "sodder". So I forgot an L in the word, sue me.
[ November 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
quote:Originally posted by Panos:
Eventhough I agree about OS X's Aqua GUI, which is the best around, I don't agree with your remarks about Linux window managers. KDE and GNOME look and behave much better than they did in earlier versions! All you have to do is have a look at RedHat 8.0's KDE and GNOME window managers, that are now more functional than ever (and better looking may I add).
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Don't get me wrong, I think they are much much better than the past, as with everything. But they are still not quite there. As far as the integration goes, as I had mentioned in a previous post, being able to run the OS from the GUI only. Software installation is still a pain for the average non-linux user. When a Windows user or Mac User can hop over to a Linux Machine, install a program, etc. Then I think you will have one hell of a platform. Until then, if you are adamant about the stability of a Unix/Linux OS, again, OS X is the one.
P.S. Someone else stated something about not liking Monopolies. I'm not FORCED to use Windows, MAC, or LINUX, so...I don't really see any of them as a monopoly. Mono...means One.
There have always been and always will be choices, at least for your "personal" computer.
quote:Originally posted by Tbar:
P.S. Someone else stated something about not liking Monopolies. I'm not FORCED to use Windows, MAC, or LINUX, so...I don't really see any of them as a monopoly. Mono...means One.
There have always been and always will be choices, at least for your "personal" computer.
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Monopoly, Monopolitai, One set of rulers, or rather one government. That is M$ makes the rules in the computer industry as a whole. They are a monopoly, and an unfair one at that.
and that freedom won't be there if they get their way. *cough* Paladium *cough* TCPA *cough* DRM *cough*
quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave:
Monopoly, Monopolitai, One set of rulers, or rather one government. That is M$ makes the rules in the computer industry as a whole. They are a monopoly, and an unfair one at that.
and that freedom won't be there if they get their way. *cough* Paladium *cough* TCPA *cough* DRM *cough*
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If it comes down to MS ruling the computer industry and you want freedom....simply don't use a computer and you will be free. ;)
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
If it comes down to MS ruling the computer industry and you want freedom....simply don't use a computer and you will be free. ;)
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As flippant as your remark maybe, we are fast aproaching a time when computer litteracy will be a rulling factor in our lives such is reading and writting. It will pervade every aspect of culture.
We see the evidence around us and we are arguable even in those times. Computers are fast becomminga "need" for modern life.
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