Operating Systems > macOS

My loyalty falters...

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yes! that's the very reason why I'll never be able to leave the Mac behind now that I've had one.

Take one look at websites like lowendmac.com, applefritter.com, places like that, and you'll see that we're not just a bunch of users, or a bunch of geeks, but people with a common tie.

I might not be a Mac Evangelist anymore, but I'm no less of a Mac lover. Apple, I think, is having an identity crisis. They're caught between being a boutique consumer oriented company and a high-end workstation maker.

They've got the hardware and the software... but they're not able to get the word out.

oh, shit, calum, i'm sorry. i clicked the "edit" button instead of the "quote" button and it looks like i overwrote your post. really, really, really stupid of me.

- rav

[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Ravuya ]


quote:Originally posted by Ravuya:
Well, since I made my initial post I went out and tried to rediscover why it is why I use a Mac. Guess why? It isn't the software, it isn't the hardware, it isn't even the company. It's the community involved with it.

We have this whole kind of us-against-the-world thing going on that's really great. Mac users are quirky, offbeat, and oftentimes some of the most technically proficient and funny people I have ever met.

So, if for no other reason than the community that churns out hacks, games and great new inventions, I'm not going to leave the Mac, because I remember what happened the last time I did... The Registry. (shudders)

Re: Macs for idiots, UNIX for geeks, what is Windows for?
Windows is for retards.
--- End quote ---

Amen to that too!   :D


quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave:

Here, Here!
--- End quote ---

Tell it like it is, brother!
By and large, the Mac community is just that: a community.
By and large a nice, helpful bunch. Only a Mac user knows what it's like to spot a sign of a Mac user on the street, like a bumper sticker, pulling beside them, giving a tumbs up, and having the other guy know immediately what you're giving him the thumbs up for.
 I swear, do you ever see a Windoze user go up to another one and say, "Oh, cool, another PC user! Microsoft rocks."

There's a reason Mac users love their OS and community so much. PC users will never get that part.

'PC' users. listen to yourselves. no wonder you all think the rest of the world's against you, and no wonder OSX is based on BSD, comparing some of the smug comments to those voiced by users of the various BSD systems.


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