Operating Systems > macOS
My loyalty falters...
quote:Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
"PC user" isn't PC.
It should be "Person of IBM-compatiblity"
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How about "Finder Challenged" lol just a thought.
My opinion of macs. I want an Os that is fully customizable, powerful, efficient, inexpensive, and able to do what I need. I like the fact that Mac Os X is *nix based and easy to use, but at the same time it is proprietary, closed source, and expensive. If someone were to sell me a mac for cheap, I would format the hard drive and install linux on it. Maybe Im a linux purist, but I truly believe in the merits of the GPL.
i do too.
i think apple have been permanently confused from the start. the problem is that steve jobs has really been actively trying to push the company along his personal line of preference since the start when really, i don't think that's what apple would (or maybe even should) have been doing.
However they have realised the GUI concept very well, and they have taken *ix further in terms of the GUI than anybody else ever. Still, the next real step in computer innovation will come from a collaborative effort (and currently this means open source community), since the development costs to make a truly great leap are too much for any one company (even IBM given its internal structure) to bear.
Who will be the next Xerox PARC? could be you and me if we get involved...
quote:Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
I'm doing what was, just a few months ago... unthinkable. I'm going to buy a friend's used PC.
I'm getting it with the intention of running Linux on it, but the scary part is... I'm actively looking at ways that I could make it my... main computer, displacing my beloved iMac.
Why, do you ask? While I love Macs, more and more, I find myself driven toward the Old World hardware (Beige G3, Wallstreet Powerbook and before) and find it to be better than current offerings. The older machines were simply better made, better designed, and IMHO, just better computers than what Apple makes now.
For the era they existed in, the old school Macs were the pinnacle of desktop or portable computing. Today, a Mac is just a novelty. I have an iMac, yay. I can run Mac OS X, which is great, but I could run Linux on a PC and get the same stability, more speed, and at a lower cost. I wanted an iBook, but I'm not paying $1500 to get an extra 200MHz, a DVD drive, a tiny screen, a relatively small HD, and pissing 128MB of RAM.
Well, it's been an interesting year or two as a "die-hard" Mac fan, but those days are numbered. I'll just finally become an uber-geek who has no true preference for anything... just gimme a damn computer, as long as it don't run Windows!
I'm not leaving you fellow Macheads, by any means. I'm just no longer crusading for only the Mac. I'm now crusading for UNIX. I just happen to think that OS X is THE BEST UNIX on the planet.
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I have a simple solution:
Jobs might be Mr. Apple, but he still sucks.
And I have bucked up! I'm still fighting the good fight, but it's a more general "good fight". Macs still happen to be the platform I push if people want something they can love and use. cos... IT'S DA BEST
I just wanna run Linux too!
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