Operating Systems > macOS

A real OSX vs. XP deathmatch.


This isn't lame like the one@CNet. This one actually lists everything that each OS can('t) do.


I beg to differ; that site is totally lame. "Support for built-in floppy drives"? Yeah, THAT's not a loaded question. Not to mention the number of question marks and incomplete entries for OS X. I also noticed a couple of entries on the OS X column that I'm pretty sure are false.

nope that one is pretty lame too


Automatic cleanup/removal of temp files - WinXP yes.
But it keeps a record of all the programs you install and uninstall, and even keeps the installation .exe in a special InstallShield folder.

Firewall - WinXP GUI
Call me a dufus, but I've NEVER seen the firewall. When I set up a new connection, it asks me if I want it firewalled. That's it.

Notably XP wins the battle. I can't state if their evaluation is correct but, curious enough, I find my OS X experience rather easier than with XP.

But they ARE right about two things: XP is a nice OS (despite M$'s effort to render most of it's features useless unless you pay them a few more bucks - take WiMP for instance) and Apple should pack the iDisk software with the OS and not force you to get in on the web.

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: bubaslubas ]

ha, windows is incapable of erasing your internet files. It keeps them all. Read the really hidden files. it tells you all about it.


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