Operating Systems > macOS

PowerMac Art


This isn't like the other posts, I'm just wondering what other Mac Heads think of this


Its been about 2 hours work, 8x zoom in MS Paint, I do it at work, its boring working for Microshit, does it look alright so far and is the G4 tower in proportion to the monitor, My G4 is hooked to a tv, so I don't know, what do you guys thing? Also if anyone has any Mac inspired ideas I can maybe make a reality, Art Wise, send me a message.


are you using the TV as your primary display for your G4?

Yes and No, Its a Hitachi 36" HDTV i use as my main thing, but when I have company over or the mrs wants to watch tv I switch to a crappy 15" montitor, pictured here...


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