Operating Systems > macOS
Great Book
I just read the greatest book. It's called Macintosh: the Naked Truth. This is for Mac and PC users alike and it's hilarious. You can order it here.
Speaking of books, I am compiling a list of good PC-bashin', Mac promotin' books (I'm not talking about technical manuals) for a new section at my site. If anyone can suggest any and provide links to where they may be ordered from, that would be geat.
are you still bashing 'PCs'? do you know what an 'operating system' is?
go and read The Rebel Code, by Glyn Moody. For your edification, there's not much about PCs in there, but much less about Macs. (some stuff about Apple though, if i remember right)
Didn't Apple actually come up with the term PC for "Personal Computer"? Then when IBM came out with a personal computer it was called an "IBM PC". Then all the clones started coming out and they were called "IBM PC Compatible". So PC really stands for any "Personal Computer". I could assume that you then mean x86 based PCs that you are against. Or is it just x86 based PCs that are running Microsoft operating systems?
If Apple put out an x86 version of Mac OS X are you saying you would not use a dual processor "insert distributor here" workstation running OS X even if you could get it for much less and it would perform at least close to what Macintosh hardware you would not use it because it is running on "x86" instead of "PowerPC" processors? If you are against M$ and for Apple operating systems then I am with you, but I think you should clarify that point.
Maybe it's "WinTel" that would be the more appropriate term as that combines Microsoft Windows and Intel processors. That's not such a bad thing to be against and it is more fitting than "PC". If it is truly the hardware that you are against then I am less with you although I am no fan of Intel. AMD has also done some things to peave me. I do like PowerPC and RISC processors however they are not as much of a commodity item.
I've been reading Apple Confidential, by Owen Linzmayer. Quality book. He also wrote The Mac Bathroom Reader, which is also a great, funny book.
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